Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Knit with me Tuesday

For the past couple weeks knitting has been slim.  I guess like everything else in life, it ebbs and flows with the tides your riding out in your life.  I have been working on a pair of knitting loom fingerless gloves.  Still new to the loom and not sure I am in love with it.  I feel I can go faster with the needles, however I am not a fan of the double pointed triangular knit on round items such as socks.  So, the jury is still out but I do love doing new things.
One part of life that is slowing me up is that I injured the middle finger on my right hand, and you guessed it - I am right handed. Had no idea how much I use that finger, (please keep your mind clean), especially when it comes to knitting.  I have one finished and tried to bind off the second last night, but to much pain last night.  I think I re-injured my finger earlier in the day : (
One done, one to bind off.  

This is a hot pick acrylic with metallic shot through it - pretty!
Thanks for joining me on this knitting update and I will post a pick of the finished item before placing it in my ETSY store.  You can visit my ESTY shop at: www.ETSY.com/shop/Danielsenfiberart

Blessings, Beth