Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday Madness: baking, cooking and more ~ oh my!

Been a wild week with holidays now behind us, and looming largely ahead of us.  I did not participate in the Black Friday madness.  Although it looked like the bulk of the sales took place on turkey day.  At my house we were bunked down chowing on far too much food and counting our blessings.  I had been in a bit of a funk due to lack of children making it home.  But after some wonderful long distance calls from army son, sweet big sis and Grandpa Dave; I was feeling less heavy hearted and more willing to face the upcoming weeks of craziness (although army soon is not sure about Christmas). 
Black Friday did see me and the twins grocery shopping like normal.  No problem, buy 8 a.m. there  were not many folks about and I found some great deals!  LOL
I found more ground beef, 20/80,  for under $3 a pound.  I try to grab a few when ever I find them, they won't go to waste. 

Most meat counters were full of reduced items on Black Friday, due to over stock for the holiday.

After the first of the year as I continue to eat cleaner, I am hoping to reduce my meat consumption, I want to switch over to grass feed meat.  I spent the past week reading this new purchase I requested from the library.  I highly recommend it, it is full of lots of great information, tips and recipes.
I have followed the same named blog for a few years and was thrilled to see a book released with all the info in one place.


I grabbed a few of these handy chopped salads from the produce section.  So yummy and fresh when used right away. 
Many folks forget that all perishables get reduced, not just meat.

I know this is not healthy, but I need to bring this to book club tonight.  It is a running joke with me, I will not drink powdered creamer my coffee.  Life is to shore, I could go any minute.  I will not die with powdered coffee creamer as my last meal!  Last month I forgot to bring my own creamer and so had no coffee.  I was informed that I NEEDED that coffee.  They were right, sigh.  So, as this is our Christmas party and our last meeting before we take a 3 month hiatus, I decided to bring something festive we all could enjoy.
I have never tried this flavor, but kudos to the new holiday flavors!

Speaking of the adult book club Christmas party, I am cooking/baking up a storm this a.m. in preparation of a jolly time.  I used my Mary & Martha bake and take ware, and love it!  It is so easy, festive and no clean up!  LOL
Visit my page for more info at:

Now, on to channeling my inner Griswold and keeping the Bumpass's dogs out of the kitchen!  LOL please tell me you know these Christmas movie references and that I am not the lone geek. LOL

Blessings, Beth

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