Saturday, August 10, 2013

Deal Diva 8/10/13

Good Sat. morning all.  Finished up my weekly shopping this morning and found a few deals to make me feel less overwhelmed about the state of our food industry.  I know, must be the dreary weather we seem to keep having.  I also just finished reading a blog story on the top 10 US foods banned in other countries.  Yea, might need to find something more uplifting to perk up my day : )
Most of the good deals came from United Grocery Outlet, where I have been getting this whole grain bread for sandwiches.

I also visited the 'ghetto' Kroger again, they seem to have the best reduced dairy.   I picked up these Greek yogurt tubes and some chocolate milk as a lunch treat for the kids.

Visited Dollar General Market (our version of Aldie's) and found some mark down buns - great for this time of year : )
I also picked up this sausage at UGO.  I make it a rule that if I find some for under $2, get it.  I use it in my pasta sauce, meatloaf and other places that ground beef could be used.  At under two a pound, it is much cheaper and adds wonderful flavor.

I try not to make to many processed meals for lunches around here, so grabbed this small roast to make pulled beef sandwiches (will used some of the mark down buns here).  This was found at our local Save A-Lot, the meat there seems to be the best in town.
Going back to the Aldie's reference; I also read a blog story on how that store is the best for keeping grocery cost down, selection, etc. in the cheap store category (not a giant like Publix, Kroger, etc.).  Save A-lot came in second.  Am I missing something?  I never find what I want or need at Aldie's.  I really don't think they are any different than our Dollar General Market.  I guess if I had one or the other, that is where I would go, but Save A-lot has at least fresher meat and not the hassle of the non-food items clogging the aisles. But if I am missing something I hope someone will clue me in.  Most likely it is just a personal location and how they are managed, i.e. cleanliness and all that jazz.
Blessings, Beth Ann

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