Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Taste of Tea

Popped into the store this morning to pick up Army son's favorite tea, and one of mine also.  This is the only red tea I enjoy, even though HP said red tea was best for me.  I prefer green tea, hot or cold, which she said is fine; just that red was best and NO black.
This had a new package, so almost missed it.

This is my favorite hot green tea.  It has a strong flavor and the cranberry is great for UT health.  I also take cranberry pill supplements a few times a week for the same reason.  Nobody wants a UTI! This has good flavor but I do prefer Trader Joe's organic brand.  However, I get to Trader Joe's about once every 2 years.  Feel funny going for just one thing, I am headed over that way at the end of the month.  Thinking I will grab enough to stock up for the rest of the year : )

Oh, and remember that Ovaltine?

Here is mine and hubby's cups this morning, can you guess who's is who's?  LOL 
Hubby on left and my acacia tea on the right.  The Ovaltine is alright, not coffee, not hot cocoa.  I had mine a few days ago with some almond milk, but tasted similar to hubby's with water.  I think hubby likes it better than I.  I forgot that Ovaltine also has fiber - get my drift?  I was coming down with my migraine too, so not sure what was the culprit, just know I am a tad suspicious now - LOL  Don't think I will drink it on days when I have to leave the house in the a.m.  ; )

Just keeping it real - and clean - LOL  Beth

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